Hope you enjoy!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Here is Ronan's inquiry keynote presentation on Gold. We have been looking at human and technological effects on Natural Resources this term.
This week we decided we needed a class pet. Goldfish are boring and rats are stinky so we decided on a virtual pet. We adopted and named "Ruff". She is an 8 week old Husky. Just like a normal dog we have to care for her everyday.
Because it costs to adopt a pet we decided to not have a class auction this term and put the money towards the adoption.
Ruff is a cool pet. She really likes playing with her frisbee and getting lots of scratches.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sing Out

Last week two talented members of Room 5 took part in the Sing Out Choir Festival. The theme was Divas and the ladies from the popular band Lipstick sang with them.
Tayla and Summer were in the front row of the massed choir. The year fours and Miss C got to go watch them on Wednesday morning. We thought they were awesome and we sang along with the songs we knew.
Congratulations to Summer and Tayla who had heaps of words to learn and smiled the whole time they were on Stage. Mrs R did a great job with the choir, we are very proud of Makarewa School.
Thanks to Tayla who sent through these photos to put on our blog.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Snow Fun with the Laurie's
Elly in the snow

Wow, what a weekend! Everyone in Room 5 has had a great weekend playing in the snow with many igloo's built, snowmen, sledding and numerous snow fights. Miss C's dog Elly had her first play in the snow and she loved it.
Sadly our awesome Stadium Southland collapsed under the weight of the snow, luckily everyone escaped safely and no one was hurt. On a brighter note at least the Velodrome is ok.
We have included some newspaper pictures of the Stadium.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Brainiacs in the community

This week the Brainiacs reading group has been learning about what is a community, what communities we think we belong to and what communities we know we belong to. As you can see there is photos of our spider diagrams of some of the communities we belong to. Room 5 students belong to a wide range of communities. I hope you like them.
by the Brainiacs
Monday, September 13, 2010
Conservation Week
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Vege Car

This is the amazing vege car designed by James MacDonald. He invented the vege car in 1993.
The company is called Macdiesel. The website is called www.macdiesel.co.nz.
James Nui MacDonald decided to drive up to Cape Reinga which is the end of NZ. Bluff was the start the trip. They had 8 stops along the way. I hope you enjoyed this wonderful vege car advertisement by Holley.
By The Tiger Tanks Reading Group - Holley, Toby, Thomas and Scott
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Under the Sea

This is a picture of Scott's amazing artwork about life "under the sea".
When we designed our artworks we thought about different things and sea creatures that we might find under the sea. Then we brainstormed the types of colours you would find under the sea.
The next step was to draw our pictures in pencil. Then we dyed them and lastly we outlined the pictures with black pen or vivid.
We hope you like Scott's fabulous artwork. There will be more to come from talented Room 5 artists soon.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Free Rice
An excellent website for practicing all areas of the curriculum is http://www.freerice.com/index.php
For every question correctly answered on this website the United Nations donates 10 grains of rice to starving families. It may not sound like a lot but it adds up, just check out the donations page.
Happy learning and feeding!
Wow What a Term!
After many technical hiccups the Room 5 blog is up and running again. We are going to be regularly posting on here from now on. You can look foward to seeing some of the exciting things Room 5 has been getting up to in class.
On a personal note I would like to say a massive thank you to all the Room 5 students who have made my first term at Makarewa School an awesome one.
Watch this space for excellent updates...
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