Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Mrs Asplin spelt Samantha's name wrong in the newsletter! The wonderful (disgusting) story in the school newsletter is actually by Samantha Winsloe

I wish…

I wish I was a zombie.
I want to be a zombie because I will eat the delicious brains of people who annoy me. I will look like: I will have dark red eyes and tattered brown hair, my clothes will look like rags. I would be wearing a pink dress that has black stains all over it, my dress will have pale pink buttons at the top, I will be a dim grey colour and have claws like a lions to tear through my prey. I will eat bloodsoaked raw meat and my favourite food is… BRAINS! Pink juicy brains, I will absolutely adore them! I will wish I could eat them for breakfast lunch and tea.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Congratulations to Briley, Corbyn, Alex M, Ike and Daniel S who have no homework this week because they have completed their work to an excellent standard 3 weeks in a row!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ben's Summer Poetry

Summer  Fun

Summer fun, summer fun,
Like wet rocks between my feet.
When the waves pull me,  
To the summer land,
I see the glittering sand.  
I high step quickly,
On the sand.  
The sand is burning hot.

By Ben Elliotte

Briley's Summer Poem

Summer’s Here.

Summer’s here summer’s here,
I wish it will never leave me there,
When the sun goes down I just wish it,
It will come out again,
But that’s just how summer ends.
So bye bye sun.
I just wish you never go away.

Summer gave me, summer gave me,
The iceblocks that melted all over me,
Some ice cold drinks were so delicious,
I think I’ve forgotten what they taste like.

Summer taught me, Summer taught,
The fun things that you can do in summer
Like swimming,
Bringing the waterslide out,
Having iceblocks and lots more.

Summer flew away, Summer flew away.
Just like my kite,
Stopped flying,
So summer’s gone,
Everyone is starting school.

By Briley

Friday, February 8, 2013

Summer Goes

Here is Samantha's poem about Summer.

    Summer Goes

Summer’s here, summer’s here
And the beach we all can share,
Don’t be scared there is no fear
We can all have a lot of fun here,
Everybody’s exclaiming “wow!”
At all the glistening shells.

Summer fun, summer fun
Catching fish,
And having fun
Hot nights,
Late nights
Don’t have any fights.

Summer kite, summer kite
The wind blows,
Up in the sky
Way up high,
Tugging on the rope
Is it coming down? Nope.
The wind gets my hair,
As the kite stays up there.

Summer waves, summer waves
Wipe the lovely summer away.
Now its Autumn where the leaves fall,
Brown, orange, yellow and red
There’s more wind in my head,
Summer’s gone.
But am I sad? No not one bit.

                    By Samantha Winsloe

Summer Flies

Here is the first of the wonderful poets from Room Five!

Summer Flies

Summer flies, summer flies,

Like my yellow and blue kite

In the sky.

When my kite goes out of sight,

That’s how summer flies away.

Leaves me standing here today

Waiting for a bus.

Summer flew, summer flew.

By Nick Gray